C Program to Convert Meter to Feet

program: # include <stdio.h> int main () { float meter,feet; printf ( "Type meter: " ); scanf ( "%f" ,&meter); feet = 3.28084 * meter; printf ( "feets: %f" ,feet); …

Special Operators in C

C language has following special Operators: Operator Description Example sizeof Returns the size of an variable sizeof(x) return size of the variable x & Returns th…

Assignment Operators in C

There are different Assignment operators in c these are given in following  table Operator Description Example = assigns values from right side operands to left side operand a=b …

Data Types in C

1.It is a type of data which is used in the program. 2.There are many predefined data types in c library like int, char, float etc. Basic Type Integer Type(int) Floating Type(float) Character Type(char) Derived Type Pointer Arr…

Bitwise Operators in C

Bitwise Operators in C are as follows: Operator Description & Bitwise AND | Bitwise OR ^ Bitwise exclusive OR << Left shift &g…

Logical Operators in C

C language supports these following logical operators: Operator Description Example && Logical AND (a && b) is false || Logical OR (a || b) is true …

Relational Operators in C

C supports following rational operators: Operator Description == Check if two operands are equal. != Check if two operands are not equal. > Check if the operand …

Arithmetic Operators in C

C language supports all the basic arithmetic operations.  addition, subtraction, multiplication and subtraction are performed on numerical data types like  int , float, double The different   arithmetic  operators are shown in Ta…

C Program to convert Miles to kilometers

program: # include <stdio.h> int main () { float miles, kilometers; printf ( "Enter distance in Miles: " ); scanf ( "%f" , &miles); //Formula to covert miles into km is we just have to multi…

Identifies in C

Identifiers: identifiers are nothing but the name given to variables, constants, functions and user-defined data. Rules for an identifier: Keywords are not allowed to use as an identifier. Identifier may contains ( a-z, A-Z, 0…

Types of Operators in C

What are operators in C? A symbol which used to perform logical and mathematical operations in c is known as operators .  C language supports a rich set of built-in operators. Operators used to manipulate variables and data. The…

Variables in C Programming Language

What is Variable in C? Variable is the name of the memory location where the data is stored. Unlike the constant, the value of variables can be changed while the execution of the program. The programmer should choose a meaningful…

How to Install Code::Blocks on Windows

In this tutorial we are going to learn how to install Code::Blocks compiler on Windows OS. What is Compiler? When we write any program we write it in human-readable form. The compiler is a program/software that processes code w…

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