In this tutorial we are going to learn how to install Code::Blocks compiler on Windows OS.
What is Compiler?
When we write any program we write it in human-readable form. The compiler is a program/software that processes code which is written in a high-level language and convert it into machine level language, that computer can easily be understood and process.
There are various compiler available the List is shown below
1) Code::Blocks
2) Turbo C++
3) Dev C
4) Eclipse
Steps to Install Code::Blocks in your local computer:
1)Visit website and then press Download tab present on the menu option
2) Then you are redirected to the download page. Then click on Download the binary release option.
3) Then you have to choose the file which you want to download. Choose codeblocks-20.03mingw-setup.exe because it has MinGW compilation setup inbuilt present. It will avoid further complications which I faced before.
4) After downloading it you just have to double click the .exe file.
5) By following given instructions you can easily set up code::Blocks.
6) Click ok on I Agree button.
7) Choose directory where your you want to install Code::Blocks. I am gonna let this field as it is.
8) After installation click on finish tab and to open a new file click Ctrl+Shift+N. and type your first program and compile it.
In this way we have installed Code::Blocks on our system.