History, Features, Applications of C


C programming is a general-purpose language which is closely associated with the UNIX operating system.

C developed in 1972 by Dennis Ritchie for use with UNIX operating system which is currently base of many UNIX operating systems

C was quickly become popular in the 1970s because of its various features.


C is consist of rich build-in functions which helps it to perform various complex operations.

C is efficient and fast due to the variety of data types present in it.

C programming language is highly portable this means that once the program is written it can be used in another machine with little or no modification.

C is widely used in the development of operating systems and embedded systems.

Various compiles are also written in C.


Development of operating systems.

Development of games.

Used in writing embedded software.

UNIX kernel is completely developed in C.

Device driver programs are also written in a c programming language.

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